Our Story

The Ideal Life Institute was founded by Steven Morrison.

Steven has been a seeker for his ideal life for many years. He read the 4 Hour Work Week in 2007, and from that time on has always tried to find new ways to improve his life in all aspects of life: financial, mind, body and spirit. He looks forward to helping you in your pursuit of your ideal life as well.

According to statistics, as many people as six in ten adults will experience anxiety at some time in their lives. Most people experience it at least once in their life, but few fully understand its significance or how to manage it effectively. As a result, almost every adult knows someone who has experienced anxiety, and many of these friends or family members have helped them cope with the issue. Understanding your relationship with anxiety is essential for effective management. You cannot work with an anxiety attack if you do not understand what motivated your assailant — and you cannot control other people’s actions if you do not know why they do them.

The benefits of balancing your mind, body, and spirit may seem obvious at first glance; but there are many hidden costs associated with overactive minds, unrealistic standards of personal behavior, and reduced self-confidence that are worth considering before jumping into a program that might otherwise feel like nothing more than extra vacation time.

That is the driving force behind the Ideal Life Institute. To education everyone on the important of true mind, body, spirit balance.



The Ideal Life Institute is creating a comprehensive library of educational programs and opportunities for self-education of the mind, body and spirit to individuals who seek fulfillment on their own terms.